In Yoga Mobility Method, I use couple of poses to check the baseline of flexibility to get a better understanding of your body mobility. 3 positions that you can test now are:
· Can you touch your toes?
· Can you sit yoga squat?
· Can you lift your arms straight overhead?
If you can’t do those things, then we know what to focus on more. Most of the time it’s just a case of finding a progression you can do and spend time there. If you can give yourself 10 minutes every morning (watch this 10 mins Video on my YouTube Channel) that will be 35 minutes of mobility every week.
“Get out of your head and get into your body. Think less and feel more.” ~Osho
Many of us have experienced some type of trauma or significant stress in the past. It's part of a human experience. Even if we were lucky enough to avoid trauma, we live in a world of chronic stress and overwhelm. We often operate in “survival mode” and experience chronic muscle tension and fatigue. We feel anxious and maxed out too often.
Anxiety is often a symptom of a freeze response in fight-flight-freeze, the feeling of helplessness, our inability to change or escape a difficult situation, such as the daily stress that comes with our modern lifestyle. Movement is a great antidote to that freeze state. It gets us unstuck.
Rhythmic movement, just like meditation, can be very therapeutic and healing. It helps integrate our body and mind, reset the nervous system, and rewire the brain for healing and wholeness.